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Twitter can win or lose only against Twitter

This post is completely off topic, but as a part-time blogger and long-time internet enthousiast I am starting to make up my mind about Twitter.

Twitter happened. Why?

Read the full post here.

[You can follow me @danbec, for my self-fulfilling pride]


6 thoughts on “Twitter can win or lose only against Twitter

  1. I am not on facebook for exactly this reason! Makes decision making very easy indeed!

    Posted by Alex Bainbridge | November 13, 2009, 3:16 pm
  2. great post. Not sure how far the subscription thing will go, but for me the best thing about twitter is as a source of breaking news – a sort of massive worldwide conversation – well twitter, duh! – where keyword searching and tagging can pull out stuff you are interested in. If you want to know the shape of what’s happening, just check out top trending topics

    Posted by james dunford wood | November 13, 2009, 7:16 pm
  3. The old saying, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” applies particularly well to Twitter.

    If one chooses to follow individuals that provide value to the follower, measured solely by that individual’s personal criteria, the Twitter experience is positive.

    If the individual is unable to identify anyone that creates tweets with any value, then the experience is negative, and there is no reason to continue using the platform.

    Exposure to noise on Twitter is controlled by each user. As Twitter is not for everyone, as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. are not for everyone. This is good. Users need to find the social platform(s) that work(s) best for them.

    Charging for tweets would not be the best way to monetize Twitter – people would defect to other or new free platforms.

    Monetization of Twitter will most likely be through highly personalized ad serving based on an individual’s community of friends and followers and on real-time location based services. This will enable more highly targeted and relevant advertising, which is a marketer’s dream.

    Improved timeliness, relevance and geo-awareness should lead to improved engagement and conversion per ad unit.

    Posted by RobertKCole | November 14, 2009, 4:32 am
  4. Thanks for your comments guys.

    1. I agree with Robert’s point on self-regulation, and that’s precisely why I think for the masses self-regulation will mean abandoning (or not even adopting) Twitter after the initial novelty phase.

    2. I have seen Twitter ads, they are being tested in Japan and I guess elsewhere. Two problems: A. people don’t search for anything on Twitter: when they need something, they go to search engines first. I don’t think we’re any close to the point where the masses will start asking questions on Twitter first (it is certainly happening on FB). Search engines have now integrated live search from Twitter? That’s suicide for a potential ad based business model: it only keeps people on search engines first. B. with so much diverse content on your page, it’s going to be difficult to get real targeted ads. It is indeed possible that someone might come up with a killer algorithm. I see other complexities here but I am still off-topic.

    So I am quite skeptical about a pure ad based model.

    At the same time, ad-sponsored tweeters makes perfect sense: “Follow Bolt for 5 cents per month” – or free if sponsored by Nike.

    Posted by eurostarclient | November 15, 2009, 10:42 pm


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